Friday, July 23, 2010


And here we have another completed addition to the Plastic Beach series, I present to you: Sweepstakes. After hearing all the various noises and sounds that are featured in the song, my mind created a sort of image that is created with several parts acting as one. This is much like the same logic used to create Some Kind Of Nature, multiple pieces acting together. I have thought to present this piece much like that of my Speech series, incorporating various layers, one over the other, to create a full image.

I also thought about the idea of a Sweepstakes acting sort of like an analogy for life and death, which is why I placed the skull in the middle. When we die, is it like our number has been drawn and we run on up to the front? Is death the ultimate prize we wait and wait to win in life or perhaps is there something after all that? Clearly you can imagine that my musings of life and the afterlife have heavily inspired this idea for Sweepstakes.

Unlike the other pieces, which have been graffiti/grunge, I decided to go with something a little more precise and cleaned up, although it carries that same chaotic theme with the repetition of numbers and lines. I've been told it resembles the designs of the 90's film, The Matrix, and I suppose they have a point. With the numbers, the greens, the transparent digital appeal. It's sort of odd that it turned out that way to be honest, I was thinking of doing this piece as an old stock ticker rather than an analog clock. Although I have to say I am happy that I chose the clock over the ticker.

Another influence for this piece is the concrete poetry of Ferdinand Kriwet, whose work I discovered in y Design Stories class last year. That is what inspired the circle of numbers floating out in the middle of the piece, a sort of rhythm and repetition that creatures the illusion of motion. I'll show you a sample of his work below:

This makes 5 out of 15 down! It's been a long way from March when I started all this but I'm finally a third done! Sweepstakes definately help break up some of the mental barriers in my head and I've concocted new ideas for the remainder of the series. I should be able to make at least one more piece for Plastic Beach by the end of the summer.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rhinestone Eyes: Work in Progress

Ah, to get back into the Plastic Beach series with some fresh ideas. I tell you what, I've got a good feeling about the rest of these. I've been touching up some of my other "finished" pieces like Pirate Jet after discovering that there were some much deserved touch ups to work out. What we have here is Rhinestone Eyes, or what will become Rhinestone Eyes in the future. Ended up tracing off a trace to get the bodies down, but as far as I'm concerned it's not like it's theft. I'm merely utilizing tools that I have the good fortune to use (oh, if only I gave Illustration courses another chance).

Here's hoping I don't blow it.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kele - The Boxer: OH GOD WHY

Back again from my little trip and I'm starting things off with an album review. This one is the solo album done by Kele Okereke the singer of one of my favorite bands Bloc Party. I heard he was doing a solo thing, so because his previous work didn't scare me off (quite the opposite actually) I decided to listen to it. I was later horrified by what I heard. I didn't finish this album, I couldn't bring myself to listen to all of it since it was just so drastically different from what I expected and what I deem "good."

Now I know the first rule of solo projects, NEVER COMPARE IT TO THE ARTIST'S GROUP WORK. And yes, I do tend to tread on this rule because my expectations for Kele are also my expectations for Bloc Party. There are some songs on this album that do not completely repulse me, like the single Tenderoni and Rise. The lyrics are good, he has always been good with words in his songs. It's just the sound of the music that bothers me the most. All electro-metrosexual pop indie bullshit and not a single instrument to remedy it. Now, I don't mind electro sounds or anything but I do not think they should be the sole sound coming in. It needs complementary assistance, be it the guitar/drums/bass of Bloc Party of something else entirely.

I personally do not approve of Kele's move here, going solo is far from a good idea in my mind. However, I am quite biased seeing as how I am quite a Bloc Party fan. I do however recommend that if you are a fan of Bloc Party, at least giving it a try first. Apparently, some people actually like this a lot instead people like me who find some tracks OK and the rest total shit.