Monday, May 21, 2012

JRPomazon's Scott PIlgrim Tee Shirt Designs vs. The World - Conclusion

Well, this is something. It's not the grand prize but to be fair I have never gotten this far before with design contests. Seriously, this is sorta amazing. You can actually buy this sucker here:

Thanks to anyone who voted, always appreciated by yours truly.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Months - March 2012

March 2012
So what we have here is a little something something that will keep me busy for the next few months. I call it months, because calling it anything else would seem like I wanted to make this more complicated than it is.

As I mentioned in my last post, I had a conversation with a friend of mine. He seemed a tad distraught over how our memories begin to compress things more and more as we grow older, recollecting years from only a few moments at a time, remembering decades from the memories of single events. It's inevitable for all of us, we can't expect to remember every little thing that happens in our lives and that's not a losing battle I expect to win. But I decided to make an attempt to catalog my life month by month, noting the experiences I have in a 5 x 5 grid.

So I've been writing down all the things I see, experience, work on and enjoy and making these little layouts. It's a tad personal, so a lot of these won't make too much sense. The sizes of the blocks don't necessarily mean anything, I just use the space that I feel like using for each event or thing. Normally, important events happen to be larger but sometimes I have to settle and make them smaller.

I can't very well post this to websites like DeviantArt or what have you because of the blatant copyright infringement I've committed to make these grids but to be fair the whole thing is an experiment so I'm not too torn up about that bit.

What we have here is March of 2012, the first in my series of month grids that I'll be doling out once a month. I've just started to get April underway and I can only hope May gives me some time to get things in order.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I have decided try something interesting for the next couple of months, just something for the hell of it. Documenting the major events of each month as a sort of collage. I'll explain more in detail at a later time, but for now there is this. Post something later this week.