Thursday, March 22, 2012

JRPomazon's Scott PIlgrim Tee Shirt Designs vs. The World was having a Scott Pilgrim tee shirt design contest, with the celebrity judges and the cash prizes. I couldn't resist. So, I decided to throw caution to the wind and create my own batch of designs. I thought I would continue with the same methods I used for the Wizard of Oz illustration show piece since that turned out well for me. After two weeks of pulling my hair out, gathering materials to use for reference, rereading the comic series, watching the movie, and actually making the designs and planning what kind of shirt to put them on, I finally, finally, finally finished two very fun designs.

The unfortunate thing is that when I went to submit the samples to the website, it seems that the colors got washed out when they decided to put them on their website and now I fear that I'll need to take action in order to secure what chance I had with these designs of winning any sort of mention. But at least, somewhere on this vast sea of electronic aether and magic, these designs are being shown properly and in true color. Wish me luck, I'll be posting/spamming the contest when it begins sometime next month.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Upcoming Upcomings

I've put a majority of my artistic pursuits on hold in lieu of design contest entry(s) that have commanded a majority of my attention, combined with my day job and freelance work that was already on my plate to begin with. I'll be updating the blog soon with new work and new stories, I'm hoping this will be sooner than later.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Incoming/ Upcoming

Not much to say. Been working on a few things. Thought I'd share a picture:

Full stories to come during the month.