Thursday, March 18, 2010

GN-002 Gundam Dynames - Model

For the past couple of weeks I have been off and on building a Japanese robot model, fashioning it to become something much more interesting. And nerdy. But let's just skip over that part for now . . .
1/144 scale HG Gundam Dynames model I picked up at a comic store nearby, set me back close to $20. Still cheaper than the internet, so that's a small victory for me. The mecha is from one of the more recent series "00 Gundam." So you can imagine my purchase was inspired by fandom and the need to not only buy my own toys, but to build them as well.

Cutting the pieces with a small knife, I got several cuts. Painting sections with model paint that according to the label with give me cancer. Inhaling far too much Goo Gone and brush cleaner than I can even recall and it's only 45-55% complete. As crappy a picture as the one above is, I'm sure it's enough to grasp what I have done so far. I kinda like how it looks now, all exposed and incomplete almost as if it has been ravaged and horribly mangled. Nothing at all like how it would be completed:Shouldn't be too much longer till I finish Dynames up nice a pretty, progress will be posted.

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